After-Sales Service
We companies are well aware that having the best suppliers is key to the success of our project because a good part of the final result of our product or service will depend on them, both in price and quality.
That is why at Resimart, although we are manufacturers, our B2B profile makes us have a clear vocation of service for our customers. In addition to our wide range of services ranging from assembly, to commissioning and training of the operators in charge of our machinery to advice from the earliest phases of any project, the after-sales service is also added.

What does post-sale mean?
It means our customers don’t disappear when they pay the bill. It means that our clients become partners from the first moment we agree on a business relationship and, therefore, become part of our priorities.
Do you need an urgent repair of any of the machines that we have designed and manufactured for you? You just have to inform us and we will start to collect the equipment, repair it and reinstall it in the optimal conditions for its operation. Or we will study the option of moving a technician to repair the machine in your facilities.
- We also offer regular maintenance of all our machines, a review of the installation and an adaptation of the production lines that you already have in your manufacturing center if you need to expand or move them.
At Resimart we are very clear that a fluid communication is part of the success of any business relationship and that is why we do not wait for you to communicate the problem to us, we are interested in our customers and we are in constant contact. For example, reminder the scheduled dates for periodic technical inspection or transmitting information of interest about our equipment regulations or any other issue that affects the sector and is relevant.