Do you build in cold climates? Use precast concrete
The production of precast concrete is a meticulous process that demands precise dosing of cement, aggregates, additives if necessary, and water. However, beyond mere ingredients,
The production of precast concrete is a meticulous process that demands precise dosing of cement, aggregates, additives if necessary, and water. However, beyond mere ingredients,
Machinery and equipment for the manufacture of concrete.
Obtain resistant pieces of the highest quality for extrusion and vibro-compression work.
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RESIMART S.L. ha sido beneficiaria del programa proyectos de las PYME de la C.V(2020) del fondo europeo de desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es facilitar la implantación y extensión del teletrabajo en las PYMES de la Comunitat Valenciana. NºEXPEDIENTE IMDIGB/2020/294